DimaFix – Spray for 3d printing

16.50  με ΦΠΑ 

Solve the 3D PRINTING warping issue and bad first layer adhesion with the revolutionary DimaFix!

SKU: 00201

45 σε απόθεμα

Good adhesion of your print to the printbed is a must in 3D printing! In order to keep your object fixed during printing and avoid warping, there is now DimaFix. DimaFix is a new aerosol spray adhesive for 3D printers with a heated printbed, which prevents warping of large-scale objects.

Dimafix is an adhesive aerosol spray that offers a strong bond between the first layer and the build plate when the bed is heated above 60ºC. Below 60ºC DimaFix becomes inactive, so prints can easily be removed from the build plate. DimaFix – Fixative spray provides a strong bond between glass and plastic that is easy to break when needed. The adhesive spray is completely water soluble, so cleaning the build plate is an easy process.

Different print bed temperature results in different levels of adhesion:

Below 60ºC:      No adhesion, the objects can be detached from the plate.

60 – 75ºC:          Average adherence, for simple geometries.

75 – 95ºC:          High adherence, for complex geometries and lengthy prints.

Above 95ºC:     Very high adherence, for very complex geometries and very lengthy prints.

How to use DimaFix

  1. Clean the build plate of your 3D printer
  2. Check if print bed temperature is below 50ºC
  3. Spray DimaFix on your print bed (use a well ventilated space)
  4. Heat your print bed and you’ll be ready to print
  5. After printing, wait for the print bed to cool down
  6. Remove your printed object from the print bed while it detach itself


  • Avoid warping
  • Suitable for all types of materials (especially ABS filaments)
  • Strong bond during printing
  • Once printed, the piece will detach automatically
  • Recommended for printing on heated beds
  • Easy to clean, the product is water soluble
  • Each spray can allows more than 100 uses
Good adhesion of your print to the printbed is a must in 3D printing! In order to keep your object fixed during printing and avoid warping, there is now DimaFix. DimaFix is a new aerosol spray adhesive for 3D printers with a heated printbed, which prevents warping of large-scale objects. Dimafix is an adhesive aerosol spray that offers a strong bond between the first layer and the build plate when the bed is heated above 60ºC. Below 60ºC DimaFix becomes inactive, so prints can easily be removed from the build plate. DimaFix - Fixative spray provides a strong bond between glass and plastic that is easy to break when needed. The adhesive spray is completely water soluble, so cleaning the build plate is an easy process. Different print bed temperature results in different levels of adhesion: Below 60ºC:      No adhesion, the objects can be detached from the plate. 60 - 75ºC:          Average adherence, for simple geometries. 75 - 95ºC:          High adherence, for complex geometries and lengthy prints. Above 95ºC:     Very high adherence, for very complex geometries and very lengthy prints. How to use DimaFix
  1. Clean the build plate of your 3D printer
  2. Check if print bed temperature is below 50ºC
  3. Spray DimaFix on your print bed (use a well ventilated space)
  4. Heat your print bed and you'll be ready to print
  5. After printing, wait for the print bed to cool down
  6. Remove your printed object from the print bed while it detach itself
https://youtu.be/PpZbMa7QzN8 Features
  • Avoid warping
  • Suitable for all types of materials (especially ABS filaments)
  • Strong bond during printing
  • Once printed, the piece will detach automatically
  • Recommended for printing on heated beds
  • Easy to clean, the product is water soluble
  • Each spray can allows more than 100 uses
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